
Bluff Christian Academy follows the Curriculum & Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) as stipulated by the S.A. Department of Education. Grade 12 matriculants write their National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations at the end of their grade 12 year.

BCA is registered with the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA).. Students are taught in classes of about 24 learners with a maximum size of 30  learners per class. Our professional teachers are Christians and conduct their lessons from a Biblical worldview in accordance with our Statement of Faith (as seen in the Vision).


Our grade 12 learners began writing their NSC exams in 2011. We are proud to announce that BCA matric classes have achieved extremely well since then.  This exemplary achievement has been recognized each year by the DBE, Umlazi District as well as the Mayor of eThekwini.    Well done, BCA grade twelves!

BCA Staff, School Board & Guardian Panel are proud to say that we have achieved 100% Matric Pass Rate in the last 3 years.

Beginning in January 2011, BCA has adopted conventional teaching styles in all our classes. Our class sizes are not large and our professional teachers are born-again, Spirit-filled individuals whose goal it is to see each child entrusted to them achieves their God-given potential. Working closely together with parents and guardians, our staff desire to “train up a child in the way he should go” Proverbs 22:6

BCA Principal 
Mr Benjamin Mpangase
BCA Principal with Matric Award